Wednesday 16 June 2010

Episode 9, 10 & Finale

With filming of episode 3, A forbidden reality already underway our thoughts now turn onto the Beginning of a very long and well plotted end to the series. This part of the blog will be about exactly that.

A Forbidden Reality written by the talented Ryan Gargett sets us in..well.. a forbidden Reality where the Human race are able to see and act upon their own future, thanks to yes you guessed it, The Doctor. Great.
We also welcome companion Jillian who will most likly be part of the TARDIS crew all the way to the final episode.
Episode 5 is entitled The Seal of Rassilon, and as we all know is the Seal of the High Council of Time Lords, seen everywhere, the Logo of Gallifrey. Why is this episode entitled The Seal of Rassilon? it could be for a number of reasons, but to avoid spoilers, as a fan of Doctor Who and the history of the show you'll be glad you waited for the surpise. :)

Episode's 6, 7 & 8 are 12th Doctor centric episodes to tell the back story of the 12th Doctor and the love for his companion which is yet to be named but before you meet her as the companion the audience will meet her BEFORE these events (time travel eh) in the episode A Tear in Time.
Episode 9 then kicks back to the end of episode 5 continuing the shocking suspenceful ending of the episode, allowing the audience to keep i think, more relaxed and engage more into the over all plot of the story as a whole. Episode 9, which is yet to be named, will feature ALOT of mythology about Doctor Who as a show as well as the story TLM are telling. The 13th Doctor will discover something he never thought he would, Julian Bane's Doctor from a Tear in Time is back. Ryan Gargett's Doctor also from A Tear in Time is back, in a way the audience won't guess of, the 12th Doctor as well and the Master's true intentions will be finally shown. So episode 9 is all about "moving the characters in the right direction" and prepairing the battle stations. We will also cut back to present day Earth where we learn that an unknown ship has arrived above the Earth but has made no contact, and the 12th Doctor finds a link between where his future self is and Earth. Sound interesting? Keep reading.

I think its really important to finish all of the stories we plan to do, get the whole story and scripts in place before we start filming epiosde 5, 9 & 10 etc so we know where its heading. In the experience I've had with writing and continuity the best thing to do is write it all, plan it and then change if needed. There is nothing worse then writing epic stories but can't work out how to resolve them after their established. As you write, things naturally change anyway so its always best to stay one step ahead even go back and reference future or past things, so the audience can feel like alot of time & effort has gone into this piece of art.
Once episode 10 has been written I shall be taking a break from writing and getting down to ALOT of filming. Episode 10 will act as an "end" and also a break between the final stories and break away from this batch, even though they're all related. 2011 will feature the final stories being shown throughout the year with the final episode airing on either Xmas or New Years Day or even 24th jan 2010 (Same day as the Angel was released) which I personally think would be better in terms of referencing my own material. The final episode was going to be called simply "The End" but due to the plot points, whats to be featured, the resolution to the show and other things a number of titles seem fit to take its place. examples are
One More Chance
The Impossible Choice
The End
& Chapter Closed.

On my YouTube channel page, one episode is listed as being called "The Crumble of Planet Earth". I have had a number of emails and YouTube inbox messages regarding this episode title and whats its about. I will say here now, to avoid spoilers, this episode is exactly what the title suggests.
With some Doctor Who stories being predictable, we feel the need to go agaisnt this type of story telling, and break the mold, not to say the answer to the mystery won't be a simple one, but it won't be guessable at the moment of whatever happens.

One epiosde I'm soooo excited to film and show will be something Doctor Who fans have never seen before. A Doctor Who episode that wont only NOT feature any Doctor's but will be a Rassilon centric episode!!!!! Which will answer ALOT of Doctor Who Second Life's questions that have been asked since the Angel.

A Tear in Time is due to broadcast sometime around October 2010, although this may be sooner depending on filming for the rest of the season.

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