Thursday 25 November 2010


its been a while since I last posted on this blog, so i thought it was time for a new update.

I've recently released a video called Update. Which explains what TwineLight Media have coming over the next 3 years. I listed a bunch of Doctor Who episodes that were going to be made; this has somewhat changed. Big time.

Due to reasons i'm not going into, A Forbidden Reality is no longer going to be released. The episode was going to introduce companion Jillian the cyborgm but this idea has been scrapped. The Doctor will have companions, maybe eventually a perminant one, but for now he will be alone.

The stories that were written after this episode all feature Jillian. The stories have been deleted. The structure of DW:SL has changed and we have a new plan.
Christmas 2010 will feature something new to SL and TLM. Another Time Lord called "Guy". The idea for guy comes from marc warner of MDWTV inside Sl. He had an idea on creating his own Doctor Who show inside SL, but couldn't get the members to help him which is a shame. Plus, TLM are the only ones who produce Doctor Who in SL and want to keep it that way. So Guy was born.

the origin of Guy is being kept quiet. marc has been trying for some time tto introduce Guy to our screens but has somewhat not managed to. i decided i would help.

A short story featuring the Doctor and Guy meeting, as well as the Daleks will air Christmas Day 2010. Guy will point something out about the Doctor that will actually shake up DW:SL. What you think you know...will go.

We were going to return in the new year with "Every man for Himself" a story about Aliens loose on a starship heading for Home World; earth. In the new year the Doctor will head to Egypt, Meet Charlie Chaplin, New Cybermen, Port Babbage once more, find a hidden planet, fight the Daleks again, meet the master, fight Omega and find out the truth about himself.

Stay tuned. Christmas 2010 just become real.

Saturday 2 October 2010

Review #2: The Sunday Service - Part 2

Well it's back. The Sunday Service Part 2 was a really good end to, dare I say it, strange episode.
The Demon doesn't idenity himself but calls himself The Darkness who is all powerful. Both Time Lords' don't understand why or how they've come together.
This part picks up from where Part 1 left off. With them comfronted with the demon. As I said in my last review, both actors did really well in this and was a really enjoyable episode.
Edward Gizzi, who plays the lead title Doctor has a very distintave voice and one that delivers his role as the Doctor with real realism. Edward has done countless work for TLM and will do in the future, as his voice is one of the most exciting we've got on the production line. He delivers his lines with such with such emotion and effect, that if this wasn't a fan film it would be on TV.
The episode ends with them putting their heads together, as well as their sonics, and blasting "The Darkness" back into the vortex. In doing this, Ryan's Doctor ends up outside the church, smiles to himself and wanders off. So I found the ending....a little...strange. That's not a bad thing, was just odd, but nice to see some mystery.
What happened to Amiee being locked outside?
What happened to Edwards' Doctor after the explosion?
Why did the 2 Doctors come together and was the supernova important to the storyline?
I hope these questions are addressed and answered at some point in the future.

Part 2 gets another 7 Twines out of 10

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Review #1: The Sunday Service

Bravo. Bravo. Bravo. Yes that's right, this episode got 3 Bravo's! Why? Well.....I shall tell you.

This time of year see's alot of people who have their own fan series of Doctor Who come together for an ammusing adventure that some would either deem pointless and a waste of time. Well thanks to KatiesNippleTardis (yes..i don't know why its called that either LOL) and gang, we have an other splended chapter to their already cracking adventures.

The Sunday Service, by Ryan Gargett & Edward Gizzi takes place between Revenge of the Dalek's Part 2 and their upcoming finale; The FInal Hour. We pick this up after the TARDIS had gone past a supernova and somehow merged with another Doctor, Ryan Gargett.
Ryan is no stranger to Doctor Who mix flicks. Only a few weeks ago we saw him in our very own A Tear in Time Part 1 & 2, playing yes you guessed it. The Doctor but a Second Life version. I believe The Sunday Service marks Ryan's first Real Life YouTube apperance as his Doctor...finally.
Judging by his apperance in this, Ryan is shaping up to become one of the most remembered fan Doctors along with his co-stars.
Katie Ann Walker plays the likable companion Amiee. I've always liked her character and she gives another cracking and funny performance, as she's left kind of conflicting with Ryan's sudden apperance. Another fantastic performance. She's very kindly done some work in the past for TLM, as well as take on the role of Jillian the Cyborg as of A Forbidden Reality in the DWSL show. Her character in that will be the biggest she's ever played a mysterious, clever characters of the whole show. I can think of no one more worthly of accepting this role.
This episode introduces some kind of Demon looking creature right at the end, inside a church. The creature is from Second Life (as I did the Greenscreen for them). I have no idea what to expect in Part 2, but really can't wait.
Apart from the sound issues in some area's and maybe some rubbish editing, this episode still marks as one of my favourates on YouTube yet.

I give this episode a smart & easy 7 Twines out of 10. Bravo. Bravo. Bravo.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

A Tear in Time Part 2

Well, its finally over. The 2nd episode of the Second Life series A Tear in Time Part 1 & 2 concluded with many questions left unanswered, a look at the future and a farewell to our lovely Doctors. So let's begin the review from the creator himself.

Part 1
Part 1 opened throwing us into the story, with our Real Life fan Doctor, Julian Bane reading a book inside his own TARDIS. When the cloister bell rings, and he opens the scanner we learn a wormhole transports him from his universe to the one of a Twine.
With our SL Doctor at the controls of his wonderful TARDIS, which is a cross between a classic console and the new series Tennant, he witnesses the arrival of our american friend onto the floor. Before you can say "whats going on" the banter begins.
The movments of this episode, in terms of how it was filmed and the movements of the characters around the console are a bit jiggery and we have alot of still shots of just which character is talking, but apart from that this episode looked good. Granted there were alot of faults with the cutting and editing of the show, but its all a learning curve. The reviews of YouTube were overall 80% positive for part 1 and 85% for part 2, but the main concern was how it looked and moved. A mistake, we won't make again.

DWSL has said in the past, a cross between LOST and Doctor Who would become more apparent as the episodes unfolded, and A Tear in Time was a prime example of what's to come. We have the smoke monster from the TV show come into the TARDIS via another wormhole to scan each of our Time Lords. It makes a swift departure back via the wormhole leaving all 3, and the audience confused. And boom! The episode ends on that cliff hanger. So, what did we think?
Ryan Gargett, Doctor No. 3 and Excec producer of the show was an excellent vocal Doctor along with Julian Bane. Working with both was a delight and something we are aiming to repeat in the future. Ryan has expressed what the audience feel, which I've mentioned above and it's all true, but like I said before, a learning curve for myself in terms of editing and shooting.

Part 2 opened up right where Part 1 left off. But then we're thrown yet another mystery. A woman, who knows the Doctor, appears telling him of A Tear in Time. We'll confirm now that this character will appear in the near future and her questions will be answered.
She warns the SL Doctor of a Tear in Time he must find and repair before the Sound of the End. Yes, this is a prelude of what's to come. Stopping an imposter from leaving his prison is yes, another prelude. The Doctor is on his final incarnation, the stakes are higher then before. The End is Coming for him. She tells him to "follow the numbers" which, we don't actually know yet, but during a flashback to The Angel we learn the numbers are 4 8 15 16 23 42, again, another LOST tie in.
Ryan suggests we land on a planet near where Julian was heading, to allow his TARDIS to land so they can both leave. Earth is the obvious planet and the plan begins.
With the cutting and audio of this episode much better then the previous, I favourate this part out of both. Julian's farewell was quite sweet and I loved filming that part. Ryan tells our SL Doctor of the numbers, which opens yet ANOTHER question of how he knows? As the episode closes, he's looking at his scanner after being told them, when they appear on the screen. SL Doctor looks confused and angry and departs from Earth to an unknown destination. When the TARDIS de-mats, we have a close up of behind it, where we see a future version of the SL Doctor lying on the floor, in the same clothes, laying in blood and not moving. Another mystery we need to solve before we close the show for good.

This story/episode also features the first "Next Time" trailer for Xmas 2010...A Forbidden Reality. Well, check it out. I'm excited for you to see it and that episode is a vast improvment on our previous, The Angel, Time Clash and A Tear in Time Part 1 & 2. The episode was written by Ryan Gargett while filming The Angel and filming of it began a few months ago.

All in all, as the writer, director and creator of A Tear in Time Part 1 & 2...I'd give myself a good 7/10 for visual and effort. Nothing is perfect, but this was good enough for a second episode.

So what future visions did we get from this episode?

Who/what are the wormholes?
Why did Julian's Doctor get dragged from his world, to Twines?
Why did Ryan's Doctor land and not get dragged by a wormhole to?
What is the smoke mosnter doing in the TARDIS?
What was it looking for?
Who is the woman?
How does she know the Doctor?
What do the numbers mean?
Why are they linked to the SL Doctor's regeneration?
Why did they appear on the screen before departure of Earth?
What does the dead Doctor's body mean?
When/how does he die?

When will we get some answers? You'll get a hint next year..but the main answers lie within a chamber. Watch on....

Wednesday 8 September 2010

A Tear in Time Part 1 & 2

It's been a while since I last posted on my blog in regards to Doctor Who Second Life, and now I have a reason to blog again. A tear in Time Part 1 went live on YouTube a day early, 31st Aug not Sept 1st.

Part 1, lasting 11:58 mins introducing Julian Bane and Ryan Gargett to the SL universe saw 3 Doctor's meet, argue and meet an unknown mosnter is the second episode of the SL series hit. So, what can we expect from part 2?

Well part 2, picks up from right where Part 1 left off. Having the Smoke Monster from the TV Show LOST depart the TARDIS leaving all 3 confused, we will meet a mysterious woman known as.....the mysterious woman. There are alot of mysteries surrounding A tear in Time. First of all the mysterious wormholes that appeared in Julians universe, the TARDIS and Port Babbage in The Angel will kleep the audience baffled until the very end. Where did the monster come from? What did it want? Why did 2 Doctor's suddently appear inside the Twine's TARDIS? What is the purpose of all this? Well if you're looking for answers, then you'll be disappointed. A Tear in Time acts as another pilot episode, outlineing what's to come, such as the numbers and "The Imposter from leaving his prison". All will be revealed in 2011.

The response to A Tear in Time Part 1 were mixed reviews. Twine Light Media recieved possitive feedback on part 1, with people wanting more, but others apparently reported to doctorwhowriter (Ryan gargett) that they were unsatified with the episode. And we agree, the episode could of been better, I'm not here to make excuses for myself, but considering we're still getting used to filming and editing SL episodes, it'll take time for perfection to come. But I was very disappointed to find that others had apparently run to Ryan instead of coming to the creator, Kerian.
Julian Bane has expressed interest in returning to the show after Part 1, which we are considering. If he'll play his Doctor or not is yet to be desided, but for now we're aiming to have him back in the future.

A tear in Time Part 2 should air Sept. 14th 2010 on YouTube with hopefully a Next Time trailer for xmas "A Forbidden Reality". Out next episode will introduce companion Jillian who has a few tricks up her sleeves.

Stay Tuned.

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Star Wars: ESCAPE is back.

Well what can we say about Twine Light Media? The fact we're becoming more and more noticed on YouTube is a plus, but is it time for us to branch off Doctor Who and onto something else? Something bigger? The answer; yes.

I've had a story in mind for a number of years, called ESCAPE. About a shuttle crashing onto a mysterious planet in the star wars universe. I ran this story, even though was quite poor, inside SWG the MMORPG game for 2 seasons and ended it with a special episode. I was going to continue it in SWG but due to SWG becoming boring and not having the people, the show got cancelled and that's that.
I wanted to recreate it inside Second Life, carrying on my established storyline, but due to various reasons, one being the story couldn't really go much further, I've decided to abandon the idea and start from scratch, right from episode 1. So here it is.

Episode 1: Arrival is still being written and will be shot as a "special" pilot episode to establish the new characters, scene and everything else. If the pilot goes well, then we shall break and write the entire season 1, and get it ready for production near xmas 2010.
ESCAPE will be a show that is soaked in mystery. Not everything will be clear, but we're going to PROMISE to answer everything come story end. We plan to run ESCAPE for 3 seasons ONLY and no more. We want each season to feel like a beginning, middle and end to the show. We feel ESCAPE is alot like the TV Show LOST, but unlike LOST we will end it with everything answered and a full circle complete, but we won't be doing a purgitory sideways timeline for the finale.

The story will centre around the character pilot called Liam Taylor. He will be the ultimate character that the show will be based around, but alot more is going on then just him. He is the protagonist of the story. If you love Star Wars and that universe then ESCAPE will tick all the boxes for you. While the show will not feel like Star Wars movies do, each episode is a story in its own right, leading to an ultimate outcome that we're planning for now.
Each episode will consist of flashbacks or flashforwards of certain characters much like LOST did which will be important to the narative of the episode and gives the audience a more 3D feel to the story.

In my original, the planet was occupied by Imperial's who answered to an unknown power higher then them, the show never revealed who it was, but in Code 14-90 we saw him, but he remained nameless. In the new one, the planet is not occupied by the Imperials. They've had their time, its time to bring someone new and fresh into the equation, someone who is just a bad if not worse then them, someone we know nothing about. Therefore adding to the mystery.
The planet is many things, its scary, weird, mysterious but its also home to some of the characters. The properties of this world, may or may not be fully answered come story end, but we will try our best.

Episode 1: Arrival will complete writing this week hopefully, ready for a small pilot shot in SL over the next few weeks, while A Tear in Time is released on YouTube Sept. 1st to boost our views. if we can pull it off, Doctor Who will become specials rather then a series and ESCAPE will take priority. Doctor Who is excellent to shoot, but ESCAPE i've had in my head for years, its' time it got out.

1.1 Escape: Arrival hopefully will air Sept 31st 2010.

Tuesday 20 July 2010

On Another Subject....

Totally non Doctor Who related....thank god.

Star Wars: Escape Series 1 is being re-written in the means of a series. The Hit YouTube show by Twine Light Media 2 years ago will make a YouTube come back early 2011, in between Doctor Who and other stuff.
The story about shuttle survivors on a mysterious planet in the Star Wars universe will see a big re-boot occur as writing is already underway for at least 6 episodes for Season One. What to expect? Keep reading...

It's important each episode is soaking in mystery and suspence and character issues that the audience love the show. We're excited to FINALLY get this underway in Second life as its the baby of Kerian Twine, who has wanted to tell the story for so long. The plan was we'd continue the already established timeline from the P.O.V of other characters while keeping the mythology the same. We've decided to start again from sratch, while character names may remain the same or simular, the story will be different. Different planet, different crash, different characters, different architectre.
We're planning on writing 3 seasons in total, beginning middle and end to Escape. Again like Doctor Who this is vast, if not more then DW, so this'll take more planning, and more time to build stuff. But worth it.

Another project underway, or at least in talks, is The Time Machine by H.G Wells with Julian Bane as the traveller. The creator of YouTube series Alternate Empire as expressed interest as returning as the Traveller as he played him on stage in Real Life. We may do just a one off, just to add to our list of projects we've achieved, it may become something more. Watch out late 2011.

And finally, we reach our most ambitious project yet. A Sci-Fi original movie called simply "M". We do not wish to disclose anything about this movie, because at the moment its still writing. it's so vast it may become a novel of some kind, but we'll see. i'm a big fan of the planet Mars, and martian movies, so I shall say no more. However tthis isn't a reboot of any kind of war of the worlds.

Episode 9 & 10

Well episode 9 saw completion of writing this weekend with the title " The Violent Regeneration" which yes, hints to the creation of the Master's current form. He is transported to the Island of LOST (finally our LOST episode) after the events of The End of Time part 2, in 1988.
You'll learn more about what plans our ememy has for the Doctor, what he plans to do upon suceeding but is the Master a sucker for believing? You'll have to wait.
With this episode marking part 1 of this mini finale into episode 10 and then a break for alot of 2011 until the final 4 concluding episodes shown either throughout the year or right at the end of 2011.
There are still issues with the episode, need to add ALOT more to it but the over all idea of the episode is still in place. This episode splits into 2 timelines, one present day Gallifrey story and the other is flashbacks of the Master. We've done this as its tradition of LOST to flashback and flashforward events, but also becsause it makes more sense to tell the Master's story in flashback. During this time on the Island, the Master and the audience will learn the origin of the numbers both in the show LOST and what they mean in Doctor Who SL.

Episode 10 will answer some of the burning question's that have arisen throughout the series thus far. Such as the worm holes, the earthquakes on Earth that occured in episode 8. Some 12th Doctor questions that arise in episode,s 6 & 7 as well as ALOT of where the show is heading after the explosive finale that is EPISODE 10!!!!!!

So what can we expect from the 2 last episodes of this season? Alot of Doctor Who mithology will be answered, Julian Bane is back, another Doctor makes an apperance, the 13th Doctor is left on the brink of life or death...and Jillian...well we're going to keep that quiet. Episode 10 will end on a cliffhanger that no one will see coming, if you thought "Silence Will Fall" was one of the best ever of the new series, think again.
The one main story line that we are going to address is the myterious regeneration of the 12th Doctor into his 13th life we've come to know through this Second Life show. The question will be answered in "The End" but we're adressing it more and more towards that episode, both Time Streams are parallel to one another. There are so many questions we have to address and answer, it'll take alot of planning on how to answer them. Some will be as easy as a character asking what it is and being given an answer. Some will need to be weaved into the narrative, as its both important to the character and the audience. These stories are so important for me to get right, it'll take as long as it takes, which means it may be 2012 before Doctor Who Second Life is over for good.

Tuesday 29 June 2010

The Circle is Now Complete

With A Forbidden Reality filming going so well, we thought we'd give you an update on the other episodes, especially episode 8 that's just finished writing.

The new episode entitled "The Circle is Now Complete" is the first epiosde of the series that'll intorduce the new format of showing an episode. This episode consists of real time events on the apparent Gallifrey running along side flashback of one particular character, Jeff. Jeff is a key character to the overall story but also how he came to the planet will be answered. One thing we are excited about is that you'll get a glimpse right at the end of the character behind everything that's happened but only a short while. Plus we're excited to welcome back Ryan Gargett's Doctor from A tear in Time.

To avoid spoilers we won't reveal who is behind it, but you'll get a good idea as the series progresses. The mysterious seal's of rassilon are something to keep an eye out for!

Episode 9 & 10 are going to be a two-parter story featuring episode 9 as a Master flashback episode, answering who he really is, the enemy from episode 8 will show up again, so with Ryan Gargett's Doctor, Julian Bane is back in episode 10 and the Doctor's life is at stake. Episode 10 will be the last epiosde of these run of episodes and will hopefully broadcast around xmas 2010. 2011 we shall return for 4 - 5 additional episodes continuing the story. The reason for the break in between is because of the story writing involved, the filming is going to take a long time, plus the final 2 episodes are the lengh of movies so we want to take our time and make the best machinima Second Life has ever seen!

We firmly believe what we have planned for you guys in terms of the story, its exicution, the style and the way we're going to show it, will set the bar in fan movie productions across the world. These are my first serious projects and I'm proud of what TLM have achieved over the past year and wouldn't be where I am today without my team, so THANK YOU.

We are sticking to our marketing campaign of these being are only Doctor Who episodes we ever produce. As soon as the credits role on the final episode we want the audience to feel a sence of finality and that we won't return. The may or may not be a new Doctor, but his adventures will NOT be shown in a new series, TLM want to focus on other sci-fi projects not just Doctor Who.

A new Dalek design from the friends of Katrina in SL will be made exclusive to TLM and the show, thanks to the designers in the Who Experience. I haven't seen the product yet, But I can't wait. Maybe CYber's will crop up.

If all going well, we're aiming for the series to be ready to broadcast October time maybe November so we can end 9 & 10 around xmas and new years day, take a break, assess our stories, write them, film and market them right for the end of 2011. The final 2 episodes are so vast and compicated it may take until 2012 to get them right, but if that's what we need to do, then so be it. We'd rather but, but Rome wasn't built in a day!

Allan Rafferty, the man behind the voice of the 13th Doctor's first on screen companion, Greg Hutch has just accepted the role of the 12th Doctor for our show, and we welcome him with open arms. He is an amazing guy with a such passion for good writing and acting, he was the perfect choice, so welcome Allan.

John Hutch we've found a role for him, but we're keeping that disclosed for now. You'll find out at broadcast later this year.

Edward Gizzi is signed on as the role of the Master for the remainder of the season, all the way from episode 5 through 10 and beyond. His real life, and my SL friend Katie Walker has agreed to become my series companion, Jillian. I am so greatful these two have joined our team, huge fans of theirs and I'm actually writing them an epiosde for their RL series. They can't wait. Both Edward Gizzi and Katie Walker make their debut in SL machinima in A Forbidden Reality, but Gizzi is playing another character.

The character of Jillian is one that will baffle the audience all the way to the end. Her story arc, and what happens to her are going to be one of the best story lines we've written for her.
In The Angel we revealed 6 numbers on a wall that will be featured in every episode until they're answered. Many would know these numbers to be from the TV Show LOST, 4 8 15 16 23 & 42. Even though the show LOST never actually answered the meaning behind these numbers, TLM have. IN a fan way of course, but using clever Kerian Twine :P we're going to weave that into the narrative of LOST. Spoiler, the Master has lived with the Dharma Initative on the Island, which will be episode 9.

A Forbidden Reality will finish filming in the next 2 weeks. A trailer will be made for the official series in Sept.

Wednesday 16 June 2010

Episode 9, 10 & Finale

With filming of episode 3, A forbidden reality already underway our thoughts now turn onto the Beginning of a very long and well plotted end to the series. This part of the blog will be about exactly that.

A Forbidden Reality written by the talented Ryan Gargett sets us in..well.. a forbidden Reality where the Human race are able to see and act upon their own future, thanks to yes you guessed it, The Doctor. Great.
We also welcome companion Jillian who will most likly be part of the TARDIS crew all the way to the final episode.
Episode 5 is entitled The Seal of Rassilon, and as we all know is the Seal of the High Council of Time Lords, seen everywhere, the Logo of Gallifrey. Why is this episode entitled The Seal of Rassilon? it could be for a number of reasons, but to avoid spoilers, as a fan of Doctor Who and the history of the show you'll be glad you waited for the surpise. :)

Episode's 6, 7 & 8 are 12th Doctor centric episodes to tell the back story of the 12th Doctor and the love for his companion which is yet to be named but before you meet her as the companion the audience will meet her BEFORE these events (time travel eh) in the episode A Tear in Time.
Episode 9 then kicks back to the end of episode 5 continuing the shocking suspenceful ending of the episode, allowing the audience to keep i think, more relaxed and engage more into the over all plot of the story as a whole. Episode 9, which is yet to be named, will feature ALOT of mythology about Doctor Who as a show as well as the story TLM are telling. The 13th Doctor will discover something he never thought he would, Julian Bane's Doctor from a Tear in Time is back. Ryan Gargett's Doctor also from A Tear in Time is back, in a way the audience won't guess of, the 12th Doctor as well and the Master's true intentions will be finally shown. So episode 9 is all about "moving the characters in the right direction" and prepairing the battle stations. We will also cut back to present day Earth where we learn that an unknown ship has arrived above the Earth but has made no contact, and the 12th Doctor finds a link between where his future self is and Earth. Sound interesting? Keep reading.

I think its really important to finish all of the stories we plan to do, get the whole story and scripts in place before we start filming epiosde 5, 9 & 10 etc so we know where its heading. In the experience I've had with writing and continuity the best thing to do is write it all, plan it and then change if needed. There is nothing worse then writing epic stories but can't work out how to resolve them after their established. As you write, things naturally change anyway so its always best to stay one step ahead even go back and reference future or past things, so the audience can feel like alot of time & effort has gone into this piece of art.
Once episode 10 has been written I shall be taking a break from writing and getting down to ALOT of filming. Episode 10 will act as an "end" and also a break between the final stories and break away from this batch, even though they're all related. 2011 will feature the final stories being shown throughout the year with the final episode airing on either Xmas or New Years Day or even 24th jan 2010 (Same day as the Angel was released) which I personally think would be better in terms of referencing my own material. The final episode was going to be called simply "The End" but due to the plot points, whats to be featured, the resolution to the show and other things a number of titles seem fit to take its place. examples are
One More Chance
The Impossible Choice
The End
& Chapter Closed.

On my YouTube channel page, one episode is listed as being called "The Crumble of Planet Earth". I have had a number of emails and YouTube inbox messages regarding this episode title and whats its about. I will say here now, to avoid spoilers, this episode is exactly what the title suggests.
With some Doctor Who stories being predictable, we feel the need to go agaisnt this type of story telling, and break the mold, not to say the answer to the mystery won't be a simple one, but it won't be guessable at the moment of whatever happens.

One epiosde I'm soooo excited to film and show will be something Doctor Who fans have never seen before. A Doctor Who episode that wont only NOT feature any Doctor's but will be a Rassilon centric episode!!!!! Which will answer ALOT of Doctor Who Second Life's questions that have been asked since the Angel.

A Tear in Time is due to broadcast sometime around October 2010, although this may be sooner depending on filming for the rest of the season.

Tuesday 1 June 2010

New episode title, characters and plot!

Well last night saw the completion of episode 5, which was previously entitled "The Door". However, due to a complete re write of this episode saw the episode change story, characters and title to something the audience are going to love. Its now called "The Seal of Rassilon"!!!
The episode which takes place straight after the encounter of Alien monsters onboard a spaceship, see's the return of an old enermy we haven't seen on screen (yet) since The End of Time canon story.
The Master summons the Doctor to the mysterious Island from the TV show LOST to gather his help in locating the orgin of the 6 numbers we've seen in all the episodes previous. When the Doctor realises the Master is infact in trouble, its a race against time to locate him.
We meet our Black Smoke Monster (again from the TV show LOST) but not on the Island, as well as a few familuar faces. Where is the Master? is it Gallifrey?

Kerian Twine; writer and director of the series says "This is certainly the Beginning of the end for the Doctor. Although its episode 5 out of a possible 14 - 15, we're certainly heading in the right direction for the ultimate end. This Doctor doesn't trust easily, but yet the Master offers him partner ship rather then rivialy. Could this be the fall of the Doctor?"

Edward Gizzi; who is moslty famous for his YouTube adaptation of "The Unofficial Doctor Who" in which he plays the title character has been cast for the role of the Master and quoted "I'm very excited to be joining the TLM Team along with Kerian. the script is great, and I can't wait to read more!"

Filming for this episode starts in the next few weeks

Thursday 6 May 2010

Episode Titles - 06 MAY 2010

The episode titles are as follows; (some may change due to story edits in the future)

Doctor Who - The Angel - By Kerian Twine
Doctor Who - A Tear In Time - By Kerian Twine
Doctor Who - A Forbidden Reality - By Ryan Gargett
Doctor Who - Alien - By Kerian Twine
Doctor Who - Through the Eyes in Which I See - By Nicholas Sara
Doctor Who - Unknown Title - By Nicholas Sara
Doctor Who - Unknown Title - By Nicholas Sara
Doctor Who - The Wall of Companions - By Kerian Twine

Mid Season Break Before The Final Episodes (Working Tities)

Doctor Who - God - By Kerian Twine
Doctor Who - Meeting His Match - By Kerian Twine & Nicholas Sara
Doctor Who - Reset - By Kerian Twine
Doctor Who - The End - By Kerian Twine

Tuesday 20 April 2010

The Daleks

Many inside Second Life have commented on what they've heard of our series so far and the one question that has arisen more then anyother is "Are you going to feature the Daleks?" The answer is YES.

For arguments sake, the fate of every character in the final episodes will be explained. The one question on everyones lips when it comes to Doctor Who is: Why does the Doctor always fight his enemies on Earth? What is so special about the Earth? TLM are going to attempt to explain this question (obv to some degree its just a fan film) so the answer might not be exactly correct.

The episode was written not so long ago but is going through some changes currently until the final draft will be submitted. The Daleks as they're the most common enermy for the Doctor & the Time Lords seemed right to have them in the final stories.

Inside Second Life is a beautiful Gallifreyan sim called New Gallifrey. We've tried to get this sim to be featured in our series without having someone just pop back in time and land there, as we know its gone due to the time war and the events of The End of Time Part 2. So how will we return to Gallifrey? Just wait and see :)
The current episode title is known as "The History of the Time Lords" but this might change. This episode is not the final episode of the series, this is what you could call "the Beginning of the End"

Monday 19 April 2010

New Who Episode Idea

Like many Doctor Who stories from the new series and some classic, the stories are predictable. We all know the Doctor will win, the companion will survive in some shape or form, and the monster will either be defeated or run away vowing to return in some other episode in the near future.
This whole idea of having an event so massive an so climactic, to then have one ship or person "fall through time" to another point in the past to only start again not only messes with the mind of Whovians and continuaty experts, but is also a weak idea for future story telling. So what will make Twine Light Media's Doctor Who any different you ask? The answer is simple....

we have a beginning, middle and end to the overall story of Doctor Who. Each episode will stand alone, but if you were to watch each episode in order from beginning to end the overall story would lets say...."speak for itself".
We don't have any of this "i fell through time on my own" crap no sir we don't! The origins of these characters are all explained weither they've time travelled to that point in time or even placed there by the player of the "game" is all to be revealed. Time is f**ked.

The fact the 11th canon Doctor has under unknown reasons (as the series has just started again) regenerated into the non canon 12th incarnation and then only to under apparent violent and mysterious circumstances to become the 13th Doctor we know in the SL series is lets say "all part of a bigger plan by someone bigger then the Doctor". If you imagine each episode has its own story, characters and setting the one thing that remains constant is the Doctor as well as his TARDIS. So, imagine a chess board and a player at either side of that board playing against one another, the pawns are the characters in the episode but the king is the Doctor and the other is the Master (black & white) would that mean the Master is bad and the Doctor is good? Not really. What happens when a player hits check-mate? Who are the players of the chess game we speak of? Could it be Rassilon in all his mighty power? Could it be Omega planning a revenge escape from his anti matter prison? Could elements of both these characters that we've come to love & hate all these years really be leading to something much bigger then themselves? What if the Doctor was ment to meet himself? Wat if the Doctor was ment to regenerate? Wat if the Doctor is a fixed point in time himself and he can't undo anything he has done or even going to do?

The answers are these. Doctor Who Second Life is more then a bunch of fans creating yet another type of story on the web in honor of their hero. But a group of talented writers and storytellers that combined prove to the world that anyone can write a great story with the right elements. The notion that every action has a reaction and that dropping a large bolder into a river can change its course is somehting that has always been a part of Doctor Who since it started. The fact that our new show will actually challange the audience into guessing what is happening or going to happen.

Each episode won't have its questions answered, but will in the long run. RTD stories had no point to them and were always left unanswered. The main episodes for this were Tennants last "The End of Time parts 1 & 2". But anyway...I truly believe Doctor Who second Life will reshape the fan community in terms of Who type stories.

Who are the players that sit either side of this "chess board?

A Tear in Time

Filming began last week for episode 3, A Tear in Time. The episode which featured 2 famous fan film Doctors Ryan Trallis & Julian Bane should be released in the late summer of 2010.
Scenes that have been shot include the TARDIS skipping inside itself and the final scene. The script has been re rendered and added more mythological mystery to our Doctor Who show which includes the mysterious worm holes that have appeared in The Angel and will do in Treasure Cove. The nature of the worm holes won't be explained until towards the end of the show, but strong suggestions will arise in episode 3 when the Smoke Monster from the hit ABC Tv Drama LOST comes through and scans all 3 Doctors.
I am a personal huge fan of LOST and its become my inspiration to write and direct my own series. LOST will feature heavy in our Doctor Who such as the Monster and the numbers. The Island will also be visited. Mainly because of the builds that exist in Second Life but also because LOST has never really been shown in any fan film productions of this nature. People have bade parody's and their own LOST series kind of, but never crossed with a TV show like Doctor Who.
Julian Bane is really excited to be joining Twine Light Media and their campain to create masterpieces of machinima inside the virtual world.
Also a mysterious women appears in the TARDIS and talks to the Docor (my doctor) about events that will happen and that have happened. Strong connections to his mysterious 12th Incarnation are revealed, because the 13th doesn't know how or why he regerenated and doesn't remember his 12th life.

A Tear in Time featuring Ryan, Kerian & Julian will hopefully be broadcast late July 2010.

Monday 12 April 2010

Update: 12/APR/2010

Update from Twine Light Media

Last week saw the beginning to the shooting of TWO Doctor Who episodes back to back, Treasure Cove by Allan Rafferty & A Tear in Time by Kerian Twine.
DrWho Blinker, our site locator has been working very hard these past few days getting Treasure Cove sorted with locations and props.
Julain Bane, the star of the Alternate Empire Doctor Who series, has been in contact recently in regards to a Tear In Time in which his Doctor meets our Doctor. Shooting and recording for this episode should take a matter of days and could be ready to go inside a week. However the episode won't broadcast on YouTube until late summer 2010 along with hopefully the rest of the series.

The finale episodes which are planned to be 4 episodes in total are still in the writing stages and we're trying to break those stories and get them ready by June/July. By this time, hopefully the current episodes will be either shot or near the end of the shoot, so we can crack straight on with the finales. These are going to be the biggest, most epic stories of the whole Second Life series. We will confirm the finale episodes will feature Julian Bane once more as the Doctor.

ESCAPE Season One Episode One is slowly being shot as well. The story of a shuttle crashing onto a mysterious planet that appears out of nowhere in the Star Wars universe has been in the pipeline for a long time. The story for Season One and Season Two is complete, and most of Season One scripts are ready. Season Two is being written script wise, while also breaking the story for Season Three. A promo trailer was released back in March 2008 for the show, but nothing was ever done for alot of reasons. TLM recently picked up ESCAPE after ratings for Doctor Who went sky high and thought about releasing two shows at the same time. They are both very time consuming so only one at a time, but ESCAPE will happen.
Kerian Twine has been writing ESCAPE for 3 years now and is desperate to express the story to the world, but Doctor Who feels more appealing he says! The story of ESCAPE will offically be, along side Doctor Who SL, the biggest machinima series in SL history and also offically the first.

With the arrival of Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor, Doctor Who has now gone onto a higher plane! Goodbye Tennant, hello Smith. The first episode the 11th Hour was just a perfect introduction for Mr Smith and every went right. The new companion, Amy Pond played by the talented Karan Gillian is wonderful in her role and is so different to Rose Tyler. As much as i liked her, she got annoying after a while after leaving the show, then coming back, leaving, then coming back. It was nice to see her in Tennats final episode, but come on! GO!
The new TARDIS layout just stunned me for shock when conpaired to Tennant's console. I don't know about you, but the new exterior and console really is the beginning of something BIG and Mr Smith is the right man for the job. He really has created his own Doctor.
The new show, too me, as more of a classic series feel then the previous. The console is classic looking with Hartnell roundels above the rotor, the exterior and controls all look wonderful. I for one welcome Matt & Karen with open arms and bid farewell to Mr Tennat. Yes Tennant was my Doctor, and has been since he appeared in The Parting of the Ways back in 2005. Matt Smith has been on for 2 episodes so far, and is already heading for the gold.

Thats your Official Twine Light Media update hosted by Twine Light

Doctor Who Podcast

Twine Light Media will, on wednesday, be recording their first Official Podcast feat. Kerian Twine & Allan Rafferty (man behind Treasure Cove).

The Podcast is so we can advertise other channels, videos, products and also plug Twine Light Media's shows such as Doctor Who & ESCAPE.
The Podcast will be audio ONLY but recorded in Second Life for broadcast on YouTube channel: Twine Light Media. In the future we might move to iTunes.

Sunday 14 February 2010

Update 14/FEB/2010

Hello all.

As of today, any Doctor Who Second Life or Twine Light Media updates such as posters, screenshots videos or sneek peaks will be posted here.

Any questions or anything you wna ask me,

Take care =]