Tuesday 29 June 2010

The Circle is Now Complete

With A Forbidden Reality filming going so well, we thought we'd give you an update on the other episodes, especially episode 8 that's just finished writing.

The new episode entitled "The Circle is Now Complete" is the first epiosde of the series that'll intorduce the new format of showing an episode. This episode consists of real time events on the apparent Gallifrey running along side flashback of one particular character, Jeff. Jeff is a key character to the overall story but also how he came to the planet will be answered. One thing we are excited about is that you'll get a glimpse right at the end of the character behind everything that's happened but only a short while. Plus we're excited to welcome back Ryan Gargett's Doctor from A tear in Time.

To avoid spoilers we won't reveal who is behind it, but you'll get a good idea as the series progresses. The mysterious seal's of rassilon are something to keep an eye out for!

Episode 9 & 10 are going to be a two-parter story featuring episode 9 as a Master flashback episode, answering who he really is, the enemy from episode 8 will show up again, so with Ryan Gargett's Doctor, Julian Bane is back in episode 10 and the Doctor's life is at stake. Episode 10 will be the last epiosde of these run of episodes and will hopefully broadcast around xmas 2010. 2011 we shall return for 4 - 5 additional episodes continuing the story. The reason for the break in between is because of the story writing involved, the filming is going to take a long time, plus the final 2 episodes are the lengh of movies so we want to take our time and make the best machinima Second Life has ever seen!

We firmly believe what we have planned for you guys in terms of the story, its exicution, the style and the way we're going to show it, will set the bar in fan movie productions across the world. These are my first serious projects and I'm proud of what TLM have achieved over the past year and wouldn't be where I am today without my team, so THANK YOU.

We are sticking to our marketing campaign of these being are only Doctor Who episodes we ever produce. As soon as the credits role on the final episode we want the audience to feel a sence of finality and that we won't return. The may or may not be a new Doctor, but his adventures will NOT be shown in a new series, TLM want to focus on other sci-fi projects not just Doctor Who.

A new Dalek design from the friends of Katrina in SL will be made exclusive to TLM and the show, thanks to the designers in the Who Experience. I haven't seen the product yet, But I can't wait. Maybe CYber's will crop up.

If all going well, we're aiming for the series to be ready to broadcast October time maybe November so we can end 9 & 10 around xmas and new years day, take a break, assess our stories, write them, film and market them right for the end of 2011. The final 2 episodes are so vast and compicated it may take until 2012 to get them right, but if that's what we need to do, then so be it. We'd rather but, but Rome wasn't built in a day!

Allan Rafferty, the man behind the voice of the 13th Doctor's first on screen companion, Greg Hutch has just accepted the role of the 12th Doctor for our show, and we welcome him with open arms. He is an amazing guy with a such passion for good writing and acting, he was the perfect choice, so welcome Allan.

John Hutch we've found a role for him, but we're keeping that disclosed for now. You'll find out at broadcast later this year.

Edward Gizzi is signed on as the role of the Master for the remainder of the season, all the way from episode 5 through 10 and beyond. His real life, and my SL friend Katie Walker has agreed to become my series companion, Jillian. I am so greatful these two have joined our team, huge fans of theirs and I'm actually writing them an epiosde for their RL series. They can't wait. Both Edward Gizzi and Katie Walker make their debut in SL machinima in A Forbidden Reality, but Gizzi is playing another character.

The character of Jillian is one that will baffle the audience all the way to the end. Her story arc, and what happens to her are going to be one of the best story lines we've written for her.
In The Angel we revealed 6 numbers on a wall that will be featured in every episode until they're answered. Many would know these numbers to be from the TV Show LOST, 4 8 15 16 23 & 42. Even though the show LOST never actually answered the meaning behind these numbers, TLM have. IN a fan way of course, but using clever Kerian Twine :P we're going to weave that into the narrative of LOST. Spoiler, the Master has lived with the Dharma Initative on the Island, which will be episode 9.

A Forbidden Reality will finish filming in the next 2 weeks. A trailer will be made for the official series in Sept.

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